I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember. As I child, I remember when I first heard about global warming and feeling physically sick.
I remember losing netball games and spending days wondering what everyone would think of me, writing pages of repetitive pages of notes ‘I will not miss a goal this week’, as a form of self-punishment.
I used to vomit on the morning of sports days, give myself blood-noses to get out of certain classroom activities.
I’m now 23, and my anxiety is crippling. I can still go to work, and I can still study, I still maintain relationships with friends and sometimes I can participate in social activities, but every single day is a constant war with my own mind.
Here’s what it looks like:
Damnit, I woke up.
I’m so tired, will I be this tired at work all day? What if I fall asleep at my desk?
I closed the front door too loudly; will my house mates think I’m angry at them?
Mum didn’t call me yesterday; does she still love me? Did I do something wrong that I can’t remember?
Was that green light really green or did I just run a red light?
I just drove over a bump, was it actually a person and I just killed them? Am I a murderer?
Slow down for the pedestrian crossing, there’s no one there but what if there is and you kill someone?
You have a cough, but what if your boss thinks your faking it to get out of work or get sympathy?
Your boyfriend broke up with you, you are a terrible person, and no one will ever love you again.
The boss has called a team meeting, it’s to address something you’ve done wrong.
The boss has asked to speak to you about something. You’re fired.
You spent too long in the bathroom, the boss knows how lazy you are now.
Top Comments
I recently received a medical diagnosis which made me anxious, so I Googled the diagnosis and I now am suffering from every single ailment listed as a symptom. Now, my entire body from head to toe is on fire which increases my anxiety even more. I think I need a low-level antidepressant. I am suffering.
Have you had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and religiously followed the principles every single time that you have these thoughts?
Most of these thoughts are common, but stop being debilitating (and as common) when you learn to do things like managing your tendencies towards perfectionism, mind-reading, catastrophising, etc.
For people who have never done CBT, the process involves recognising anxiety producing thoughts (eg what if X thinks I don't like them). Give it a rating for how anxious it makes you feel. Identify (from a list of about 15 which underlying irrational thoughts is causing the anxiety. In the above example it could be mind-reading (the ability to know what people think without them saying anything), or perfectionism (the belief it's possible to be perfect and please all the people all the time), or catastrophising (the underlying belief that bad things will happen if everyone doesn't know you like them ). It doesn't matter which one(s), you identify, the next step is to challenge that belief: can you read people's minds?, are you capable of perfection, is it really a catastrophe if some people misread you? Re-rate your anxiety levels. Keep challenging the thoughts until the anxiety is non-existent or manageable. The process is slow, but becomes automatic after a while. After an even longer period, the anxiety producing thought doesn't come and you stop feeling anxious about most situations.
I found it really helpful to have a funny psychologist who could make me laugh at my own thoughts even as he sympathised with how wretched they made me feel.
I admit I rarely suffer from anxiety. When I have the thoughts in the article I usually become suicidal, not vomiting with fear.